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Step 1


Please provide as much detail as possible so that we can offer the most complete strategy and advice.

"*" indicates required fields

tell us about you

tell us about your goals

What channels do you want to advertise on?*
This is your maximum advertising budget across all campaigns, per month.
For example, to boost your brand awareness on social media, to drive more traffic to your website, to promote a lead generator or to get more sign-ups for your next webinar/event?
Tell us details like their age, gender, location, income levels, interests, behaviours etc.
Give us their brand name and links to any websites or social media accounts as we can use this data to help optimise your own campaigns

tell us about your previous ad experince

Have you run ads before?*
What were the goals of any previous ad campaigns?*
Do you have access to the following ad accounts?*
Do you have access to the following?*

that's it!

Thanks for filling out this form, we will review your answers and get back to you with the next steps within 48 hours

Done-For-You Platform Setup

Access to all platform features and Plug+Play systems. We’ll implement the systems for you, give you a personal platform tour and offer 1:1 support for 60 days.


What's included